Hur vi på olika sätt dras till varann, Nordstan, Gothenburg, 2021

Hur vi på olika sätt dras till varann, Nordstan, Gothenburg, 2021
Hur vi på olika sätt dras till varann, Nordstan, Gothenburg, 2021
Hur vi på olika sätt dras till varann, Nordstan, Gothenburg, 2021

NSFW/SVILOVA is proud to present an installation at the mall Nordstan in Gothenburg by artist Ilja Karilampi. The title Hur vi på olika sätt dras till varann, means “how we in different ways are drawn to each other” in Swedish. It is a spatial installation where semi-transparent vinyl in the colors purple, green, and yellow cover the glass on an empty storefront in northern Nordstan.

Visually it reflects the energy that is put into circulation when we navigate towards each other during different phases of our lives; online, a sudden rendezvous on public transportation, or at a club. Communication through NFTs, images, texts, reaction likes, etc – even WHAT we follow says something about us to a potential partner.

Hur vi på olika sätt dras till varann is not an interdisciplinary museum display, or a pop-up kosher donut shop, or even a festival stage, but rather it can be seen as a large swimming pool filled with light and letters.

Ilja Karilampi, Hur vi på olika sätt dras til varann, 2021

Ilja Karilampi

'Hur vi på olika sätt dras til varann', 2021

Installation, coloured vinyl foil, dimension variable
