New Noveta
mit Vindicatrix
18 May–1 Jul 2018
New Noveta is the collaboration between Keira Fox and Ellen Freed. Their multidisciplinary practice combines sound production, installation and costume design with bodily action and dance. New Noveta’s eruptive performances channel psychic struggles in opposition to daily patterns of conformity and societal suppression. Within their gruelling choreographies the performers bodies become seized by panicked drive reflecting the imposed weaponization of peoples time and emotion through enforced labour, they simultaneously display high pace body force, whilst contravening with erupting emotional, mental and physical distress as they proceed. They project this through various guises that change with each performance, taking on new subjects and styles through costume and dramatization.
For their exhibition at the Kunstverein Freiburg New Noveta collaborate with the musician David Aird aka Vindicatrix on a new composition with live vocalizations, and artist Louis Backhouse will design costumes. On the opening night during their theatrical performance New Noveta will ritualistically activate their protean installation.
New Noveta
'Fateful', 2018
Sound by Vindicatrix and costumes by Louis Backhouse