'Promession®: fantaisie terminale I', 2021
Color laser print, HDF, TNT and PE wings, bodies of Protambulyx euryalus and Cocytius duponchel moths
28 × 40.5 × 2 cm
'landfill casual gift', 2018
Garbage and shopping bags in low density polyethylene (LDPE), Galleria mellonolla waxworms
100.5 × 170.5 × 2.5 cm
'landfill discount', 2018
Garbage and shopping bags in low density polyethylene (LDPE), Galleria mellonolla waxworms
100.5 × 170.5 × 2.5 cm
'landfill still life', 2018
Garbage and shopping bags in low density polyethylene (LDPE), Galleria mellonolla waxworms
100.5 × 170.5 × 2.5 cm
'Promession® : Rêve de Chrysalide, Puberté Florissante', 2018
Metal bed, perspex vitrine, Zophobas morio worms, vents, two panels of extruded polystyrene, laser transfer prints, netting, fabric, metal ring, horse magazines, glitter butterfly clips
230 × 205 × 90 cm
'Promession® : Schwammbett, Stadium des Krabbelns', 2018
Wooden bed, paint, perspex vitrine, Galleria mellonella worms, vents, metal mesh, sheet of polyethylene foam, polyethylene with UV print and collaged plastic bag, fishing lure
85 × 120 × 60 cm
'Promession® : Young Adult Maze, Deciphering Level', 2018
Metal bed, perspex vitrine, Tenebrio molitor worms, vents, two panels of printed extruded polystyrene, laser transfer prints, digital tablet
179 × 208 × 97 cm
'Flower Maiden (Ecoveg)', 2016
Bioplastic, UV prints on bioplastic, condom, seaweed, laser print, wood, paint
60 × 90 × 2 cm
'Mother Cougar', 2016
Bioplastic, UV prints on bioplastic, mealworms, mealworm skin, fish bait, wood, paint
60 × 90 × 2 cm
'Stallion Dad', 2016
Bioplastic, UV prints on bioplastic, condoms, fish bait, mealworm skin, wood, paint
60 × 90 × 2 cm
'Hosted Opening Ceremony / Klack Tray (Denim & Supply by Ralph Lauren Girl)', 2012
Inkjet print and liquid fixative on tray
57.5 × 37.5 × 6.8 cm
'Rehabilitated Scribble (blue swallowtail / Vyal one)', 2012
Washed inkjet prints on tiles mounted on wood, spray fixative
100 × 150 cm
Born: 1983, Versailles, France
Lives and works in Berlin
2003-2007 MFA Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris
2020 Émissions nocturnes, LVX, Pavillon der Volksbühne, Berlin
2018 Promession® Dormitorium, Art Basel Statements, w. SANDY BROWN, Basel, Berlin
2016 Débris Legacy, SANDY BROWN, Berlin
2016 Greenhouses, Cell Project Space, London
2016 Minnow, w. Gavin Kenyon, Topless, Rockway Beach
2015 Crawler, Ginerva Gambino, Cologne
2014 A BōAt[] A Promise, Kunstverein Nürnberg
2014 Global Isolation Conference & Exhibition, w. Marco Bruzzone, MJ Gallery, Geneva
2013 Exposing: the Guest Rules, Favorite Goods, Los Angeles
2012 Last Spring/Summer, w. Juliette Bonneviot, cur. Elise Lammer in Les Urbaines, Lausanne
2012 Hosting Works, Exposure Rules, SANDY BROWN, Berlin
2012 Yung Jung Stages, CEO gallery, Malmö
2011 Len Jyan, Kwadrat, Berlin
2010 Succubus w. Juliette Bonneviot, PMgalerie, Berlin
2020 Studio Berlin, cur. Boros Foundation, Berghain, Berlin
2020 Relax — it's all online, Lars Friedrich, Berlin
2019 Futur, ancien, fugitif, cur. Franck Balland, Daria de Beauvais, Adélaïde Blanc, and Claire Moulène, Palais de Tokyo, Paris
2019 Der Ring, Artemis Fontana, Paris
2019 Growing Pains, cur. Christina Gigliotti, Polansky gallery, Prague
2018 Title II, cur. Vie d'ange, Galerie Antoine Ertaskiran, Montreal
2018 Our Thing, cur. Vie d'ange, Galerie Antoine Ertaskiran, Montreal
2018 Crash Test, cur. Nicolas Bourriaud, La Panacée, Montpellier
2017 A Good Neighbour, 15th Istanbul Biennial, cur. by Elmgreen & Dragset
2017 Rehoming, une une une, Perpignan
2017 Shared Spaces, cur. Ellen Wagner, Neuer Kunstverein Aschaffenburg
2017 Absent Bodies, cur. Francesca Gavin, OSL contemporary, Oslo
2017 Hello World, ARS17, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki
2016 Body pt.1 (zombie), Ginerva Gambino, Cologne
2016 You Never Actually Own Anything, Lucas Hirsch, Düsseldorf
2016 ME, INC., cur. Sabine Rusterholz Petko, Rotwand, Zurich
2016 Overdraft, hotel-art.us, New York
2015 Find your Beach, cur. Christina Lehnert, Gebert Stiftung, Rapperswill
2015 A YES SCREAMING NO, cur. Cécile B. Evans, Barbara Seiler, SUNDAY, London
2015 Co-Workers, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris
2015 Whatever man built could be taken apart: Image / Order, Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden
2015 Inside China, cur. Jo-ey Tang and Victor Wang, K11 foundation, Shanghai
2015 Immunity Chorus, V4ULT, Berlin
2015 Inside China, l’Intérieur du Géant, cur. Jo-ey Tang, K11 foundation, Hong Kong
2014 Inside China, l’Intérieur du Géant, cur. Jo-ey Tang and Wang Chunchen, Palais de Tokyo, Paris
2014 Traucum, Parc St Léger Hors Les Murs, Nevers
2014 Union, Union Pacific, London
2014 Today:Morrow, Balice Hertling at the Film Center, New York
2014 Shift, Galerie Antoine Levi, Paris
2014 Aftercare, Center, Berlin
2014 Every Corner Holds a Cave, cur. Mark Soo, Ginerva Gambino, Cologne
2014 Art Post-Internet, cur. Karen Archey and Robin Peckham, UCCA, Beijing
2014 Apples and Pears, cur. James Clarkson, DREI, Cologne
2014 Acid Rain, Island, Brussels
2013 They Live, Shanaynay, Paris
2013 Performing the Archive/Club Mode, cur. Gluey-C, Skogen, Gothenburg
2013 Surface Tension, cur. Franklin Melendez, galerie Andreas Huber, Vienna
2013 Time Machine, cur. Corentin Hamel, M-Arco, Le Box, Marseille
2013 Brigadoon, cur. Céline Poulin, La Tôlerie, Clermont-Ferrand
2013 Entretemps..Brusquement et Ensuite, 12th Lyon Biennale
2013 Sallie Gardner, Michael Thibault gallery, Los Angeles
2013 Sunbathers, 1857, Oslo
2013 The Mediterranean Dog, cur. Elise Lammer, Cole, London
2013 Guide to the Galaxy, cur. Attilia Fattori, Gloria Maria gallery, Milan
2012 Glaze, cur. George Henry Longly, Chez Valentin, Paris
2012 Oil on Water calming Effect, Skur 2, Stavanger
2012 Crime is on Both Sides cur. Martha Kirszenbaum, Galeria Stereo, Poznań
2012 Aude Pariset, Kate Steciw & Letha Wilson cur. David Harper, Toomer Labdza, New York
2012 Peer One cur. Kari Altmann,The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore
2011 Edge of Glory, CEO gallery, Malmö
2011 Random Rotations, cur. Parker Ito, Berkeley Art Museum, Berkeley
2011 Based in Berlin, PMgalerie, Berlin
2011 100 Drawings Against Vietnam War, Komplot, Brussels & Le Commissariat, Paris
2011 Metrospective presented by Program and the Future Gallery, Program, Berlin
2010 Post Internet Survival Guide cur. Katja Novitskova, The Future Gallery hosted by Gentili Apri, Berlin
2010 Etats de Choses, Darsa Comfort, Zürich
2010 Nothing Political, Komplot, Brussels
2010 Enchanted, cur. Juliette Bonneviot, School of Development, Berlin
2010 Ins Blickfeld Gerückt cur. Gaelle Boucand and Francisca Würz, Institut français, Berlin
2010 Silverstein Photography Annual, Bruce Silverstein gallery, New York
2009 KIT invite, deuxième édition, Paris
2009 I'm so sad, my God, cur. Martha Kirszenbaum, ISCP, New York
2008 Panorama de la jeune création, 4th Bourges biennale, France
2012 Das Ei ohne Schale, OSLO10, Basel
2011 Bcc, first edition, PMgalerie, Berlin
2011 Co-founder of Bcc (info at www.b--c--c.com)
2010 Etats de Choses, co-curated with Juliette Bonneviot, Darsa Comfort, Zürich
2015 US residency program of Institut Français, with the Special Collections of the Fales Library, NYU, New York
2014 Parc Saint Léger, Pougues-les-Eaux
2010 The Public School, Komplot, Brussels
2016 Artist talk at Gebert Stiftung, Rapperswil
2015 Artist talk at Kolnischer Kunstverein
2014 Workshop with the students from ESAAB, Nevers
2012 Lecture with Bcc co-founders, Aurélia Defrance and Julie Grosche, ZHdK, Zurich
2010 Workshop at The Public School, Brussels
2018 Crash Test, La Panacée, Centre d’art contemporain, Montpellier, exhibition catalogue A Good 2017 Neighbour, 15th Istanbul Biennial, exhibition catalogue
2017 Hello World, ARS17, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki, exhibition catalogue Frieze
2015 Co-Workers, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, with an interview with Jessica Castex and David Douard, exhibition catalogue
2015 Inside China, K11 art Foundation, Palais de Tokyo, three exhibition catalogues Palais magazine (Palais de Tokyo), Issue 20
2013 Entre-temps, Brusquement et Ensuite, 12th Lyon Biennale, exhibition catalogue Sub Rosa, edited by Anne Fellner, on info-punkt.eu
2013 Wandering, Issue 1 & 2, edited by Tenzing Barshee
2019 Video interview by Palais de Tokyo about the installation presented in Futur, ancien, fugitif
2018 Regards Vers le Futur, interview of Nicolas Bourriaud by Ingrid Luquet-Gad, Numéro Art, issue 3
2018 Feature in Sector Statements, by Emmanuelle Lequeux, Le Quotidien de l’Art, special issue Art Basel, June
2018 The Worm Had Turned: At Art Basel, Aude Pariset Sets Little Creatures Loose, Artnews, by Andrew Russeth
2016 Frieze Portfolio, Frieze online, September
2016 Review of Greenhouses by Jessie Bond, This is tomorrow, October 31
2016 Review of Greenhouses by Will Gresson, November 1
EyeContact MIXT(E), feature and text by Sylvain Menetrey, Issue 7
Interview with James Loks, Artlsant
Interview with Elise Lammer, Novembre magazine, Issue 7
Symbol Art Paper, feature and text by Amy Knight, Issue 3
2013 The Living Image, by Amy Knight, Dazed Digital, January 18
Review of Les Urbaines by Natalie Esteve, Kaleidoscope blog
2011 Nett ist die kleiner Schwester von Scheiße: A Little Snapshot of Berlin, by Karen Archey
2D Pushers, by Lori Zimmer, review of Aude Pariset, Kate Steciw & Letha Wilson, Artslant
Review of Len Jyan by Karen Archey, Artinfo